Thursday, March 31, 2011

This is something extremely well-planned and thought out

So, I'm going to be doing the April A to Z blogging challenge. Now that my hell week of hunkering down and churning out 6 heavy school projects is over and done with, I'm going to try and make more time to crank out blog posts like I promised. Having just gamed for seemingly the first time in years (more on that in a future post), the fires of creativity have definitely been rekindled. Hopefully having a schedule of what kind of stuff I'm going to post about will help out in the long term. I've got the first chunk of my entries worked out, so hopefully once I pick up steam, I'll get a better idea of what kinds of stuff I'm interested in writing about. In the meantime, here's a list of the posts I'm planning:
  1. A is for Assholes in Space
  2. B is for Buddies
  3. C is for Convict Planet
  4. D is for Duos
  5. E is for Equipment
  6. F is for Fun
  7. G is for Gunslinger
  8. H is for Hardboiled Hollywood
  9. I is for Inspiration
  10. J is for Jamie Time
  11. K is for Karnival of Killers
  12. L is for
  13. M is for
  14. N is for
  15. O is for
  16. P is for
  17. Q is for
  18. R is for
  19. S is for
  20. T is for
  21. U is for
  22. V is for
  23. W is for
  24. X is for
  25. Y is for
  26. Z is for
I'm really looking forward to the other posts that people are working on. Hopefully, some stuff from this blog will get people charged up.

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